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Health Care 

Our healthcare mission is designed to provide local Liberian Hospitals with practical solutions for improving care and saving lives.  

The Lack of Health Care in Liberia 

High Morbidity and Mortality Rates

Liberians suffer from high mortality and morbidity rates, resulting from poor living conditions and a lack of quality health care. After 14 years of civil war culminating with the Ebola Epidemic, much of the healthcare system in Liberia was devastated and continues struggling to provide the most basic level of care. 

Our Unique Position 

Hope Foundation can help. With our unique relationship with U.S. and Canadian Healthcare companies, we can provide better practical technology for the situation. In short, our dollar goes further! We work with companies with overstocked equipment or slightly used inventory to maximize the investment back into the community. 

"Breathe to Live"

An excellent example of this is our "Breathe to Live" campaign. In a recent visit to one of the Hospitals in Liberia, we noticed an interruption in power (not unusual). During this outage, the patients on oxygen were laboring to breathe as oxygen was unavailable during the interruption. Here in the U.S., we have concentrators with built-in Cylinders that refill when power is present and delivers continuous oxygen when power is absent. We worked with one of our U.S. companies to provide units at a deep discount for the cause. 

"Mission not Impossible"

Our healthcare mission is to provide local Liberian Hospitals and Clinics with practical solutions for improving care and saving lives. We can help accomplish this goal with support from our Healthcare partners and the community.  

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