Monkey Island has a brutal past, but a hopeful future. These amazing creatures will surely win your heart.
When New York Blood Center abandoned their research efforts in Liberia, they also abandoned the laboratory animals they were working with. Now, "Monkey Island" is where these chimpanzees call home.
These Chimpanzees have survived war, abandonment, and hunger. They are still thriving today on Monkey Island.
Over 66 Chimpanzees inhabit three islands off the coast of the Farmington River in Liberia. Less than a thirty minute drive from the airport, you can take a boat with one of the Humane Society volunteers to watch their feedings!
How did they get there?
The chimps were infected with diseases such as Hepatitis that are spread throughout the bloodstream. They were then experimented on in hopes of developing vaccines to be used for humans.
Since 2015, the Humane Society has stepped in to care for these forgotten chimps. They are brought food twice a day, provided with fresh water, and have a watchful eye protecting them from intruders. The average chimpanzee lives to be close to 50 years old, so sterilization efforts have been utilized to keep their population under control. If you would like to learn more about the chimps on Monkey Island, check out the link here: